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Showing posts from 2010

Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin 27, December 2010

Click here to access the bulletin. This bulletin is produced by the North Staffordshire NHS Outreach Library and Information Service for Primary Care Trusts in North Staffordshire. It aims to draw attention to some of the key documents and reviews on clinical effectiveness that have been published in the previous month. Sources covered include NHS Evidence, Bandolier, Department of Health, Cochrane Library and King's Fund. Full text links to documents refer to subscriptions accessible to NHS staff in North Staffordshire. To find out more on how to access local online journals please click here.

Annual Evidence Update on Headache

The Annual Evidence Update on Headache is now available from the Neurological Conditions Specialist Collection website . The project team has carried out a systematic literature search on Headache to identify all high level evidence published since the date of the last Headache AEU in 2009, including guidelines, systematic reviews, health technology assessments and economic evaluations. Leading headache experts from around the UK have read and appraised these for their validity and relevance to the busy clinician. A list of the papers deemed worthy of inclusion, along with expert commentaries by our reviewers, is freely available on the site .

New eBooks

The University has recently purchased a number of ebooks to help students with their revision: Akunjee, N.  (2009). The easy guide to OSCEs for final year medical students  Mann, I.  (2009).  The finalist’s guide to passing the OSCE   Patel, K. (2006).  Complete revision notes for medical finals   Sritharan, (2007).  Essential OSCE topics for medical and surgical finals   We have also purchased Bottomley & Rymer’s 100 Clinical cases in obstetrics and gynaecology (2008) 100 Clinical cases in obstetrics and gynaecology   You will need your Athens username and password in order to access any ebook.

More help on Current Awareness

The Current Awareness pages on the website have been updated to include a number of links to health-related news sources. These include general news and RSS feeds as well as major sources for bulletins. New help links have been added to the Alerts & Zetoc page to help you set up your own alerts against NHS Evidence Healthcare Databases Advanced Search (HDAS) or the Zetoc database.

New books for November 2010

You can view the latest new items that have been added to the library catalogue during November, including: The NHS handbook 2010/11 / Peter Davies Atlas of clinical neurology / editor, Roger N. Rosenberg Oxford handbook of learning and intellectual disability nursing / edited by Bob Gates and Owen Barr Handbook of diabetes / Rudy Bilous, Richard Donnelly 2010 resuscitation guidelines / edited by Jerry P. Nolan Nursing care plans: guidelines for individualizing client care across the lifespan/ by Marilynn E. Doenges, Mary Frances Moorhouse, Alice C. Murr And many more.

Annual Evidence Update on Post Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorders in Renal Transplant patients 2010

The kidney diseases and male urogenital disorders specialist collection has published the latest AEU on Post Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorders in Renal Transplant patients . This review includes systematic reviews, randomised controlled trials and cohort studies, and assesses the impact of new evidence since the introduction of the BSH/BTS guidelines for the diagnosis and management of PTLD.

Health Inequalities Bulletin 23, November 2010

Click here to access the bulletin. This bulletin is produced by the North Staffordshire NHS Outreach Library and Information Service for Primary Care Trusts in North Staffordshire. It aims to draw attention to some of the key documents and reviews on health inequalities which have been published in the previous two months. Sources covered include: NHS Evidence, Department of Health, Cochrane Library and King's Fund. Full text links to documents refer to subscriptions accessible to NHS staff in North Staffordshire. To find out more on how to access local online journals please click here.

Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin 46, November 2010

Click here to access the bulletin. This bulletin is produced by the North Staffordshire NHS Outreach Library and Information Service for Primary Care Trusts in North Staffordshire. It aims to draw attention to some of the key documents and reviews on clinical effectiveness that have been published in the previous month. Sources covered include NHS Evidence, Bandolier, Department of Health, Cochrane Library and King's Fund. Full text links to documents refer to subscriptions accessible to NHS staff in North Staffordshire. To find out more on how to access local online journals please click here.

Annual Evidence Update on Stroke Rehabilitation 2010

The 2010 Evidence Update on Stroke Rehabilitation is now available from the NHS Evidence – Stroke specialist collection.  It covers systematic reviews published between 1st July 2009 and 30th September 2010, with expert reviewers summarising evidence and commenting on key developments in the field. The update covers: Organisation of care Upper limb Mobility Speech and language Post-stroke depression Cognition and perception Living with stroke Uncertainties

Are you satisfied?

Here is your chance to let us know if you are happy with our service. Please complete the survey as indicated below and let us know how you feel. Replies must be completed by 9:00am Monday 6th December 2010. Survey for Keele University students and staff / University Hospital of North Staffordshire staff and in-person visitors to the library OR Survey for Community based staff - Combined Healthcare / PCT members and Outreach service users

Athens web address and screen amendment 23rd November

Eduserv will be making changes to the way that you log on to their Athens service during 23rd November. The web address or URL to access My Athens will be changing from . or to a NEW My Athens URL    If you have bookmarked this you will need to update to the new URL. Note that the way you log in to Athens via an NHS site or a journal site has not changed. The new login screen will look like this: Users should be aware that the service may be unavailable for short periods of time while the amendments are taking place.

New Health Library Website

The Health Library has released its brand new website. The new web address is , remember to update your bookmarks. You can use the website to:   Check out all the facilities on offer   Keep up-to-date with changes and new resources   Quick link to your own resources pages   Request services online

New books are here

You can browse the latest new items that have been added to the library catalogue during October, including: Essential OSCE topics for medical and surgical finals / Kaji Sritharan, Vivian A.Elwell, Sachi Sivananthan Oxford cases in medicine and surgery / Hugo Farne, Edward Norris-Cervetto, James Warbrick-Smith Critical psychiatry: the politics of mental health / edited by David Ingleby Oxford handbook of respiratory nursing / edited by Terry Robinson, Jane E. Scullion. Clinical governance: a guide to implementation for healthcare professionals / Rob McSherry and Paddy Pearce, with a contribution by John Tingle And many more.

Health Inequalities Bulletin 22, September - October 2010

Click here to access the bulletin. This bulletin is produced by the North Staffordshire NHS Outreach Library and Information Service for Primary Care Trusts in North Staffordshire. It aims to draw attention to some of the key documents and reviews on health inequalities which have been published in the previous two months. Sources covered include: NHS Evidence, Department of Health, Cochrane Library and King's Fund. Full text links to documents refer to subscriptions accessible to NHS staff in North Staffordshire. To find out more on how to access local online journals please click here.

Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin 45, October 2010

Click here  to access the bulletin. This bulletin is produced by the North Staffordshire NHS Outreach Library and Information Service for Primary Care Trusts in North Staffordshire. It aims to draw attention to some of the key documents and reviews on clinical effectiveness that have been published in the previous month. Sources covered include NHS Evidence, Bandolier, Department of Health, Cochrane Library and King's Fund. Full text links to documents refer to subscriptions accessible to NHS staff in North Staffordshire. To find out more on how to access local online journals please click here.

Annual Evidence Update on NHS Service Configuration 2010

From the Health Management specialist collection – AEU on NHS Service Configuration : “The first part of this update includes material bearing on the general case for reconfiguration: the second on some of the drivers and consequences of reconfiguration and the third contains evidence bearing on the clinical case for change for some individual services where there has been particular pressure to change the ways services are delivered in the expectation that better quality care would be achieved. This update focuses on recent publications.”

Spending Review 2010

The NHS Evidence - health management specialist collection has put together a briefing on today's Spending Review . The briefing includes the main Spending Review documents alongside press coverage and commentary; opinion and analysis; and related research and evidence. This will be continually updated as more analysis and responses come out over the next few weeks.

Annual Evidence Update – Depression 2010

NHS Evidence – Mental Health Collection has launched their latest annual evidence update on depression . Information has been selected from a range of good quality databases. The following topics are included: Epidemiology and Prevalence UK and International Guidelines Neuropsychology Diagnosis and Risk Factors Pharmacological Treatments including: SSRIs, SNRIs and TCAs Psychosocial Treatments including: CBT and CCBT Other Treatments including: Electroconvulsive therapy and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Populations and Settings including: Children and Adolescents, Older People, Women, Ethnicity and the Workplace Genetics Co morbidity Dual Diagnosis

Annual Evidence Update on Heart Failure 2010

From the NHS Evidence – Cardiovascular specialist collection the latest AEU on heart failure .  Topics include: diagnosis, pharmacology, organisation of care, devices, rehabilitation, palliative care and psychology. There is also a section on uncertainties identified and expert summaries are included to help make sense of the new evidence presented.

NHS Evidence Search Box

The NHS Evidence Search Box has been added to this blog, see the right-hand side-bar. You can now start your information search from here. NHS Evidence searches a number of accredited resources including NICE, Cochrane Database, Map of Medicine and the NHS Evidence specialist collections as well as many more. It can be a good place to start your literature search.

Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin, No. 44, September 2010

Click here to access the bulletin. This bulletin is produced by the North Staffordshire NHS Outreach Library and Information Service for Primary Care Trusts in North Staffordshire . It aims to draw attention to some of the key documents and reviews on clinical effectiveness that have been published in the previous month. Sources covered include NHS Evidence, Bandolier, Department of Health, Cochrane Library and King's Fund. Full text links to documents refer to subscriptions accessible to NHS staff in North Staffordshire . To find out more on how to access local online journals please click here . . Tags: CLINICAL EFFECTIVENESS, CURRENT AWARENESS, NHS, NORTH STAFFORDSHIRE, OUTREACH, UPDATES

Annual Evidence Update on Amblyopia 2010

NHS Evidence – Eyes and Vision have published the 2010 AEU on Amblyopia .   Highlights from the AEU include clinical outcomes of treatment - focussing on aspects of visual acuity, stereopsis, and ocular alignment; functional outcomes of treatment - focussing on aspects of quality of life and visual functioning; adverse events of treatment; current uncertainties in the effectiveness of treatments.

New Training Dates at the Library - October to December

The new training schedule for October to December has now been published. Training opportunities are available at the Health Library for Keele staff and students as well as any North Staffs NHS staff. If you need help finding health information on the Internet, using healthcare databases and resources or to complete a literature search then have a look at our training courses and book yourself into a session. Please see the training page on our website for more information and details of how to book.

New England Journal of Medicine Update – access for NHS Users

We have been experiencing problems accessing New England Journal of Medicine. Access is now available via Athens login, however this is proving to be slightly unreliable on the network at busy times during the day. You can access full-text articles a number of ways:  Use the login option from the NEJM page, click on the Athens login links until you get to the Athens login screen OR  Login to Athens first via the My Athens option and click on the NEJM link from the Local Resources list OR  Login to the My Journals list, search for NEJM on the My Journals list and click the link from the Journal title page.  This issue has been raised with the publisher. Apologies for the inconvenience caused.

Annual Evidence Update on Diabetic Retinopathy 2010

NHS Evidence - Diabetes have published the 2010 AEU on diabetic retinopathy . Here you can find a collection of the latest, specially selected published material, including topics such as: incidence and prevalence of DR, epidemiology and progression of DR, factors influencing development of DR, screening for DR, treatment, surgery, modern therapies, blindness and visual impairment, and automated assessment of retinopathy.

NHS Athens Accounts - missing updates

Unfortunately due to a number of technical issues occurring at the end of last week, some emails requesting NHS Athens account updates may have been lost. If you have recently emailed me (Cheryl - the eResources librarian) to update your account please can you check whether your update has been applied. If the update was carried out I would have emailed you confirmation. If you are still waiting for the resolution of your request please can you get in touch again. My apologies for any inconvenience caused.

New Catalogue Pages

Our new catalogue interface has been installed. This includes a cleaner look and feel, book cover images and item-status information on the results page. We have had a few problems with the login page which is causing problems to some users wanting to renew books online - we hope to have these resolved soon. However don't forget that you can email or telephone the library to renew your items - see our contacts page for details.

Health Inequalities Bulletin August 2010

Click here to access bulletin. This bulletin is produced by the North Staffordshire NHS Outreach Library and Information Service for Primary Care Trusts in North Staffordshire. It aims to draw attention to some of the key documents and reviews on health inequalities which have been published in the previous month. Sources covered include NHS Evidence, Bandolier, Department of Health, Cochrane Library and King's Fund. Full text links to documents refer to subscriptions accessible to NHS staff in North Staffordshire. To find out more on how to access local online journals please click here .

Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin August 2010

Click here to access bulletin. This bulletin is produced by the North Staffordshire NHS Outreach Library and Information Service for Primary Care Trusts in North Staffordshire. It aims to draw attention to some of the key documents and reviews on clinical effectiveness that have been published in the previous month. Sources covered include NHS Evidence, Bandolier, Department of Health, Cochrane Library and King's Fund. Full text links to documents refer to subscriptions accessible to NHS staff in North Staffordshire. To find out more on how to access local online journals please click here .

More Athens Maintenance

Eduserv will be carrying out maintenance to their Athens services during Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th of August. Users are advised that they may experience slight delays when using the service or the service may be unavailable for short periods. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Use it or lose it - Print Journal Survey

We are running a survey for our print journals throughout August, September and October to assess how much they are being used. If you use a print journal, either just to browse or whether photocopying an article, please make sure that you complete the survey attached to the front of the journal. Thanks. You can search for print journal titles via our catalogue .

Annual Evidence Updates from NHS Evidence Specialist Collections

During July a number of Annual Evidence Updates (AEUs) have been published by the NHS Evidence Spcialist Collections: Hepatitis B and C Hip Fracture Health Needs of People with Learning Disabilities AEUs present the latest guidelines and reviews around a specific topic. They are published regularly by the Specialist Collections on NHS Evidence .

Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin July 2010

Click here to access bulletin. This bulletin is produced by the North Staffordshire NHS Outreach Library and Information Service for Primary Care Trusts in North Staffordshire. It aims to draw attention to some of the key documents and reviews on clinical effectiveness that have been published in the previous month. Sources covered include NHS Evidence, Bandolier, Department of Health, Cochrane Library and King's Fund. A list of additional Public Health and Primary Care updates produced locally is also provided. Full text links to documents refer to subscriptions accessible to NHS staff in North Staffordshire. To find out more on how to access local online journals please click here .

MyiLibrary Update

The MyiLibrary e-book viewer interface has been updated. This update includes: updated e-book viewer, smoother navigation, easier access to reference tools, no plug-in required to view content and cross-browser compliance. However please note that IE6.0 is no longer a recommended browser and users are advised to upgrade. If users experience any problems please make staff at the Library aware. Screen-shot of the MyiLibrary viewer The Health Library subscribes to a wide range of e-books and collections are available to both NHS staff and Keele staff and students. Topics include reference titles as well as specialist subjects. E-books are available through your Athens login and can be accessed at university, at work or at home.

NHS White Paper - information sources

East London and the City Alliance Health Intelligence Unit have produced their Health Intelligence Bulletin providing a number of information sources discussing the recently published NHS White Paper - Equity and Excellence: Liberating the NHS . Some additional comments can be viewed via the blog entry from the Knowledge & Library Service at Newham University Hospital NHS Trust. The  NHS Evidence Health Management specialist collection has also produced a comprehensive list of associated links including opinion, analysis and responses.

Map of Medicine

Map of Medicine is now available to both NHS staff and Keele students and staff via Athens. This provides you with access to hundreds of evidence-based care pathways, including locally developed resources. NHS staff can log on to Athens at ; then click on the My Library tab and page down to the My Athen Resources list and click on the Map of Medicine entry. All users can use the My Athens login via ; click the Resources tab, select the Local Resources tab (if available) and page down to the Map of Medicine entry. Note that the first time you use this resource you will be asked to register, simply complete the online form.

More Online Journals via Medline

NHS staff can now access a wide range of electronic journals via the Medline with Full-text database from Ebsco. This includes access to archive collections and current journals; please note that some journals have embargo restrictions. You can access individual journal titles via the My Journals facility or you can access the database from the Ebsco Databases link on the My Athens Resources section of the My Library page - remember to log in with your NHS Athens username and password.

SAGE Journals Online Update

The SAGE Journals Online interface will be changing over the summer. For more details and screenshots see their release information . This will affect the following journals available to NHS users: Clinical Pediatrics, Clinical Rehabilitation, Journal of Hand Surgery (European) and Journal of Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition. All NHS electronic journals are accessible from the My Journals link on the NHS Evidence HIR web page. Remember to log in with your NHS Athens username and password.

Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin June 2010

Click here to access bulletin. This bulletin is produced by the North Staffordshire NHS Outreach Library and Information Service for Primary Care Trusts in North Staffordshire. It aims to draw attention to some of the key documents and reviews on clinical effectiveness that have been published in the previous month. Sources covered include NHS Evidence, Bandolier, Department of Health, Cochrane Library and King's Fund. A list of additional Public Health and Primary Care updates produced locally is also provided. Full text links to documents refer to subscriptions accessible to NHS staff in North Staffordshire. To find out more on how to access local online journals please click here . Full text links to documents refer to subscriptions accessible to NHS staff in North Staffordshire. To find out more on how to access local online journals please click here.

New Training Dates at the Library

The new training schedule for July to September has now been published. Training opportunities are available at the Library to Keele staff and students as well as North Staffs NHS staff. If you need help finding infrmation on the Internet, using healthcare databases and resources or to complete a literature search then have a look at our training courses and book yourself into a session. Please see the training page on our website for more information and details of how to book.

NHS Evidence - Later Life Newsletter May and June 2010

The NHS Evidence specialist collection Later Life have published their newsletter for May and June . Items presented include "Supporting People" an Annual Evidence Update on caring for older people; also new guidance from the Department of Health and the most recent systematic reviews from Cochrane and DARE. Options to subscribe to the newsletter are available.

Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin March 2010

Click here to access bulletin. This bulletin is produced by the North Staffordshire NHS Outreach Library and Information Service for Primary Care Trusts in North Staffordshire. It aims to draw attention to some of the key documents and reviews on clinical effectiveness that have been published in the previous month. Sources covered include NHS Evidence, Bandolier, Department of Health, Cochrane Library and King's Fund. A list of additional Public Health and Primary Care updates produced locally is also provided. Full text links to documents refer to subscriptions accessible to NHS staff in North Staffordshire. To find out more on how to access local online journals please click here .

Clinical Effectiveness Bulletin February 2010

Click here to access bulletin. This bulletin is produced by the North Staffordshire NHS Outreach Library and Information Service for Primary Care Trusts in North Staffordshire. It aims to draw attention to some of the key documents and reviews on clinical effectiveness that have been published in the previous month. Sources covered include NHS Evidence, Bandolier, Department of Health, Cochrane Library and King's Fund. A list of additional Public Health and Primary Care updates produced locally is also provided. Full text links to documents refer to subscriptions accessible to NHS staff in North Staffordshire. To find out more on how to access local online journals please click here .